Thursday, December 10, 2015

Reflection on Open letter draft

In the following blog post I reflect on the feedback I got from my peer editors in my open letter draft.

I peer reviewed Mehruba and Ayra's drafts
Screenshot by Dylan Cotter '12/10/15' "you're sexy" Public Domain Usage

1. Did you demonstrate an ability to think about your writing and yourself as a writer?

I believe I did show that in this letter. Having never been asked to do something like reflecting on my own writing before I took this course, having done it already was incredibly helpful. In the conclusion of the letter I note that my writing process has changed styles and how I came to changing styles, so I think that shows my thinking about my writing. I think about myself as a writer by acknowledging how my writing usually goes in the body paragraphs as well. 

I think both of these thing show my thinking about myself as a writer and also thinking about my writing. 

2. Did you provide analysis of your experiences, writing assignments, or concepts you have learned?

Yes I believe I do. I draw from my first blog post about my writing process. Talk about projects two and three. Reference multiple past blog posts and the whole essay is about the three most important skills I learned from the course so I believe I have adequately displayed this. 

3. Did you provide concrete examples from your own writing (either quotes from your writing or rich descriptions of your writing process)? 

Yes I quote from more than three posts and even a comment that one of my peers made on my writing process in person. They all go into how I have changed as a writer and how my process has changed throughout the year. 

4. Did you explain why you made certain choices and whether those choices were effective?

I am assuming that this means like word choice or use of mediums and yes I did. I describe how using the rhetorical situation can lead to the use of different mediums for communication and how that lead to my using scripted video and different word choices for different assignments. 

5. Did you use specific terms and concepts relating to writing and the writing process?

I employ rhetorical analysis, the use of rhetoric and the use of research and expand on this in the body paragraphs. 

My blog just needs word choices and grammatical edits. Thank you to my peer reviewers fro their feedback!

1 comment:

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