Saturday, September 5, 2015

Annotated Bibliography in MLA format

In the following blog post I post my annotated bibliography for my controversy.

Please click on the following link to see the properly formatted bibliography

Annotated bibliography

The Academy of Motion Pictures and Sciences Oscar trophy. Screenshot taken by Dylan Cotter 9/5/2015. Public Domain usage. 


After reading Savannah and Isabel's blogs, I realized that they both did different styles than i did, however the differences are minuscule. Our annotations were similar in the information that they provided, especially Isabel's and mine. we seemed to methodically go through the checks and include all of the information necessary and then some. These blogs were very similar and all of them were very good. 

1 comment:

  1. I too did an annotated bibliography in MLA style. I noticed that our bibliographies are almost identical, which is good! We used similar techniques in our summaries too, and they were similar lengths. However, I would recommend including the correct indentation on your bibliography (where the first line is all the way to the left and everything else in indented).
