Friday, September 25, 2015

Evaluation of Rhetorical sources

In the following blog post I examen three sources about the film industry's switch from film to digital

Screenshot taken by Dylan Cotter 9/25/2015 "digital vs film" Public Domain Usage
Quentin Tarantino's comments 

Quentin Tarantino is an outspoken, I don't care what you think of me, filmmaker. And, true to his form, he has not been shy on his opinion of the switching from film to a digital recording system. He even goes so far as to call it the "death of filmmaking" as an acclaimed director having worked for years, his opinion is clearly valued. The audience are those who understand the difference between the two so their opinions are also valued.

Advantages and disadvantages

This website does a great job as comparing and contrasting the advantages and disadvantages of both film and digital. This website's audience is those people who have heard of this debate but who want to get their facts more solidified and add validity to their arguments. This website does a good job at staying out of the belly of the demon and doesn't offer and opinion on the matter one way or the other, even saying the decision is completely up to you.

Reddit thread 

This reddit thread has an entire mix of people, both experts in cameras and novices to film. So this audience has everyone in it and represents everyone. This is a great site and post because these people are not paid to respond or offer their opinions, they are simply doing it of their own free will which adds validity to their comments and makes all questions relevant.


I read and commented on Alyssa and Kelly's blog posts on this same topic. They both did very solid jobs at picking great, reliable and credible articles that support their stances on issues. Kelly's topic is on the benefits of running so I warned her to be careful about conflicting research and also corporate sponsored clinical trials. But both of their arguments are in good shape, and I think I matched their credibly with my links above


  1. I appreciate how you chose different platforms of situations to evaluate. I need to get out of my habit of just finding articles through google and maybe finding blogs or threads about the information I am looking for. I think you did a good job of explaining the different websites but maybe elaborate on the authors of the texts or the context in which it was written in? Other than that, great job.

  2. Hi Dylan,

    First off all, I think is is super cool that your field of study is film! Anyways, I like how all of your rhetorical situations are completely different. That's definitely a good way to get lots of different opinions and beliefs on a topic. You did a good job of concisely analyzing your situations for sure.

    In my opinion the most interesting article is the Reddit Thread. That is because it consists of multiple different authors who can all hold completely different views and credibility which is definitely going to give you lots to work with.

    The least interesting article in my opinion is the article on PetaPixel.

    Ayra Sabir
