Wednesday, September 30, 2015

Analyzing my texts cultural setting

In the following blog post I analyze the cultural setting of my text.

Quentin Tarantino's comments in his interview were replicated at the Cannes film festival. This is the largest film festival in the world so it couldn't have bene on a bigger stage.

Screenshot taken by Dylan Cotter 9/30/2015 "Cannes Logo" Public Domain Usage

1. What values, ideas, norms or beliefs play an important role in the text?

  • Cannes is the biggest festival in the world. It is the pinnacle of film festivals, so people expect it to be a well run and highly prestigious event. These comments were shocking and especially in the setting where digital filmmaking is bring celebrated as the way of the future. Nostalgia and change are being challenged and some people agree, however some agree that they should move with the times. 
2. Does this text address these cultural values, beliefs, etc directly or indirectly?

  • It addresses them both directly and indirectly. The film industry is rapidly changing, the old school way of making and distributing is vanishing, therefore change is coming and a lot of people don't like that. However it deals directly with the film and digital debate by addressing it by name and commenting directly on it. 
3. Is the text critical or supportive of the values and beliefs?

  • The text is critical of the value of change. Tarantino does not want the movie industry to change and neither do a lot of people. That means from what you shoot the movie on, to how it is projected, to how to movie is distributed to people. Tarantino is critical of those who believe that this change is for the better. 

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