Friday, September 25, 2015

Reflection on Project 1

In the Following blog post I reflect on my creating of my QRG for project one.
Screenshot taken by Dylan Cotter 9/25/2015 "Reflection" Public Domain Usage

What challenges did you face and how did you overcome them?

The biggest challenge I faced was actually turning it in, I was worried I would make a dumb mistake that would cost me points. I was so paranoid that I kept going back to the rubric every 10 minutes to make sure I didn't forget anything, eventually I had to trust myself and turn it in.

What Successes did you experience?

I found a lot of really good social media and general media coverage sources, I found the most success here because this is were a lot of the major outcry came from the general population. I was especially pleased when I would find informative tweets and news reports. 

What kind of design choices did you find most effective?

My controversy was very hard to argue for, I sort of felt like if you put 100 people in a room and asked them if rape is a good thing, no one will actually say yes. So i felt the same about this, and because of that it was vey hard to put together arguments for and against it, basically the writing style was just to use and present as much information as possible. 

What kind of design choices were least effective?

As I said above, trying to frame an argument for the academy was hard because of the implication that if you were to argue for the academy you were labeled a racist, so no one wanted to speak out for the Academy. So I had to put aside my judge-mental or opinionated hat and look at just the facts. 

How was this writing process similar to other projects in the past that you have done?

The only real part of this process that was similar was gathering sources and information. Other than that the actual writing of the blog post I had never done. So the gathering of scholarly sources and other sources I was most familiar with. Everything else was a new experience.

How was this project different to other projects you have done in the past?

In the past I have only ever written essays or research papers, I have never done a blog post. So learning the conventions of a blog post, all the way down to hyperlinking was all new for me. This was a much different writing process and I am not sure if I liked it yet. Not having to do an annotated bibliography was a great relief, however citing pictures can be a real pain and somewhere that you can easily lose points on. 

Would any of these skills be useful in other coursework?

As of yet, these skills have not shown themselves in other course work, however I believe that for other papers and research projects the skill of citing social media sources and using the internet to your full advantage and not to just find sources off of JSTOR will be very useful I do not doubt. 

1 comment:

  1. I completely agree with your points brought up within your reflection. I too never experienced or wrote a blog format research "essay" and am not very certain if I like the style. I find it new and interesting, but I am still unsure of the quality of work I am putting into it. I worry sometimes if my paragraphs are too long or the ideas become muddled as it moves along. I guess on practice will ease my uncertainty. I hope you become more familiar with the style, especially as this new project comes around.

    Good Luck!
