Friday, October 16, 2015

Reflection on Project 2 Draft

I peer reviewed Nick and Carter's Essays

Screenshot taken by Dylan Cotter 10/16/15 "pathos" Public Domain Usage

Do you have an identifiable thesis? Does it point into the rhetorical strategies you analyze?

My thesis is clear and apparent to the readers. However after class yesterday I do need to rework it and make it more about the actual topic of the assignment and make it clearer.

How did you decide to organize your essay? Is it supported with evidence?

I organized my essay into 3 paragraphs. The first one is some background information about the controversy. The second examines the use of Pathos and the third paragraph examines the use of Ethos.

Yes they are supported with evidence, there is plenty of evidence for the two techniques in this text. And I feel like I did a solid job of finding evidence but I think I can strengthen it.

Did you clearly identify and analyze several important elements of the text's rhetorical strategy?

In the essay I identify and discuss the authors credibility, their expertise, their use of pathos and ethos, also their use of expert opinions and appeal to emotion. I used evidence and analysis to discuss how each part is either helpful or hurtful to the argument.

Did you explain how and why certain rhetorical strategies were employed? Did you discuss what effects these strategies have on the intended audience and the overall effectiveness of the text?

Honestly I could defiantly do better at this one. I discuss of they are affective or not, but I lack in why they were employed or what effects it has on the audience. 

Are you thoughtfully using evidence in each paragraph? Do yo mention specific examples from the text and explain why they are relevant? 

In sort, yes. I believe I did and I think I used it effectively. I made an effort to use specific examples and believe that this is necessary for this assignment and so I believe I did this effectively. 

When a quote is employed, I summarized and provide contextual evidence to why this was necessary and effective or harmful to the argument. 

Do you leave your reader wanting more? Do you answer the so what question in your conclusion?

I believe my paper covers all the bullets on this assignment and would provide exactly what the professor was looking for in this fictional world where I was asked to complete this assignment. Then my conclusion will address that so what question and why Tarantino's lack of logos hurt his argument when I revise it. 

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