Wednesday, October 7, 2015

Project 2 outline

In the following blog post I present my outline for my project 2 essay.

After reading the students guide helpful warnings on page 122, I have a few things to address in my presentation of the issue. First "focus on the text itself, not the issue" (Minnex, 122) is going to be especially challenging for me. Since this issue is directed towards a very small demographic of people, and because of who these people are, they will have their own opinions on this issue. But my job is to focus on how Tarantino presents and talks about his opinion on his issue. Also, the advice that my thesis should always be the "main point" (Minnex, 122) is important because I do still tend to digress from the point every-now and again. So keeping those two things in mind I should be able to do a pretty good job at analyzing how Tarantino speaks about this issue.
Screenshot by Dylan Cotter 10/7/2015 "Tarantino and his Oscar" Public Domain Usage


  • Background info
    • Introduce Tarantino and the issue
    • Explain how this issue came up
  • Thesis
    • one or two still undecided
Body Paragraph one

  • Difference between the two mediums 
    • Information for the reader about what the difference between film and digital is so that they can understand why people are passionate about this 
Body 2

  • Information about Tarantino's understanding and credibility (his use of ethos)
    • Examine how he uses his celebrity to his advantage in endorsing film vs digital. 
    • Examine his other endorsements of film during his time
Body 3

  • Examine his use of Personal anecdotes
    • his referral to his childhood and his emotional state during the tell of the story
    • examine his use of pathos
Body 4

  • Examine his lack of logos
    • He doesn't use facts or numbers to support his argument 
    • examine how this is a flaw in his argument. 

  • Sumarize all three (ethos, Logos, Pathos) and see if he did enough to sway people to his opinion. 
  • Revert to thesis and answer the question.


  1. I like the body paragraphs in your outline. I feel as though having four will really consecrate your analysis. However, I do not think you should do all three rhetorical strategies. Instead, you should focus on one or two. In addition, do not forget to choose a thesis! :)

  2. This comment has been removed by the author.

  3. I like your paragraph at the top of your post. Those are two things that I also struggle with, so keeping that advice in mind as I'm drafting will be important.

    I think that this outline is a good start. I would suggest maybe keeping your first body paragraph brief, because your audience of film students will probably already be aware of the differences between film and digital.

    I think including how his lack of logos weakens his argument is necessary, but I don't think it's as important to examine his emotional appeals (body paragraph 3).

    P.S. I found a typo when I commented the first time, so I deleted it and fixed the mistake.

  4. This outline is a little more my style. Im not a fan of the super organized outlines that include a ton of information because I feel like it holds me back when I try to write my essay. I feel like a vague outline like yours and mine suits better for my writing style because it allows for a little more freedom.

  5. I think our outlines are similar detail wise as well. As I have said before, outlines don't really help my writing style so I don't spend much time working on them. You did do a good job on talking about what specific points you will talk about in each paragraph so I think that will greatly benefit you in the writing process.
